Contractor Health & Safety Responsibilities
To ensure Contractors follow the minimum guidelines in order to provide and maintain a safe work environment for Contractors, Sub-Contractors and Superior-Greenstone District School Boards employees.
Superior-Greenstone District School Board is committed to the protection of its employees, the environment and its physical assets. 91直播 will continue to maintain a safe work environment in order to prevent occupational injuries and illnesses.
All employees, Contractors and employees of Contractors are responsible for complying with the requirements of the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act and its Regulations .
Approved Contractors: any contractor who has signed and returned all required documents as per this procedure
Documents Download
- 91直播 Contractor Package (.PDF)
- 91直播 Contractor Agreement (.PDF)
- 91直播 Contractor Checklist (.PDF)
- 91直播 Asbestos Abatement Program (.PDF) (use this link for most up to date records)
Further Information
For further information or assistance with the required submissions, contact:
Brandon Nyman
Team Lead - Maintenance and Construction
Fax: 807-889-1361
Cell: 807-228-3159